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Sahiwal Breed Cows

Sahiwal Breed Cows

Product Details:

30000 INR/Unit

Sahiwal Breed Cows Price And Quantity

  • 6 Unit
  • 30000 INR/Unit

Sahiwal Breed Cows Trade Information

  • 80 Unit Per Day
  • 1 Days

Product Description

Because of the many merits of this breed, Sahiwal Breed Cows are widely demanded and used as dairy animals all across India and Pakistan. As these cows can tolerate maximum amount of heat and can still produce milk in larger amounts, their popularity and demand in dry regions like Africa has also increased manifold. We sell these Sahiwal Breed Cows that can thrive even at challenging and unfavorable climatic conditions at best rates. These cows also have good fertility rates and can sire many healthy calves every year.

Sahiwal Breed Cows are a breed of dairy cattle originating from central region of Punjab that lies on the Indian-Pakistan border. They are highly appreciated for their high heat tolerance, making them suitable to be used draught animals. These cows are a breed of Zebu cattle and are considered as the top milk producer among all zebu breeds. With the average lactation period of about 10 months, they are known to have long teats assuring easy milking. 

Frequently Asked questions 

1. What makes Sahiwal cow unique?

Ans - They are more suitable for slow work because they are typically placid and lazy. The Sahiwal has the most developed udder and is the heaviest milker of all Zebu breeds. Sahiwals are known for their sturdiness in harsh climatic conditions and their propensity to produce small, quickly growing calves.

2. Is Sahiwal a type of Indian cow?

Ans - One of the best milch cattle breeds in India is the Sahiwal. The Sahiwal area in Pakistan's Montgomery district of Punjab is where the breed gets its name. The names "Lambi Bar," "Lola," "Montgomery," "Multani," and "Teli" have also been given to these creatures. The animals are excellent for specific dairy applications. 

3. What breed is the Sahiwal?

Ans - Zebu cows

In terms of dairy characteristics, the Sahiwal breed of zebu cow represents the best genetic stock in Pakistan and India. Due to its extensive breeding in Pakistan's Montgomery district, Sahiwal cattle are also known as Montgomery cattle. 

4. Are Sahiwal cows hybrid animals?

Ans - The Queensland Government started working to produce the Australian Friesian Sahiwal breed of dairy cattle in the 1960s. It is a cross between the Holstein (Bos taurus) breed and the Sahiwal (a dairy breed of Bos indicus from Pakistan), which was developed for Australia's tropical climates. 

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